January 11, 2009

Snack Trappers, and a HUGE milestone!

Snack Trappers are wonderful inventions. They work very well when you have one child. This is what happened this morning during the brawl:

#1. Mommy could only find 2 snack trappers to fill with cheerio's. Fighting ensues. Mad grabbing, biting, pushing, and pulling.

#2. Joel loses fight, as usual. Bottom lip is positioned in pouting position, and large tears roll down chubby cheeks. Mommy is distraught and goes to rip apart the kitchen to find another Snack Trapper.

#3. Mommy finds a third Snack Trapper. All are happy.

#4. Triplets destroy all things. Even the best inventions are no match for the destructive nature of 3 crazy babies. Looks like I will be sweeping again!!!!!!


The triplets are DONE WITH BOTTLES!!!!!! They have been using sippy cups for a week, and we are convinced that it's safe to pack them all up! I can't believe it! We bought our last cans of formula. We have had permission to stop formula for all 3 babies. I am just so excited!!!!! Our new schedule for the babies (many of my triplet mom friends who have younger babies have asked me to post this for reference.

7:30-8:00: Awake, changed, dressed.
8:00: Girls drink formula and eat Kefir, and Joel has his formula and toast.
8:30-11:30: Play
11:30-noon: Eat lunch. Usually Edin Organic rice and beans, or some kind of equivalent.
12:30-3:30: NAP!
3:30-4:00: Snack. Usually a cereal bar. They also have more formula (usually 8-9oz at a time.)
4:00-6:30: Play
6:30-7:00: Eat Dinner. They either share our dinner (if it's suitable for them to eat), or I make them a whole wheat pasta with an organic pasta sauce. They also get their formula in a sippy.
7:00-7:30: Down for bedtime!

While playing they ALWAYS have a sippy cup of water available to drink.



That's great! I'm jealous of their sippy cup love. Alex does great allll day long with it but he had a MAJOR meltdown if he doesn't have a bottle (even though it's only 3-4 oz while we change him for bed). I feel like I've created a monster with the bedtime bottle.
My mom keeps saying, "He's not even two yet." to which I reply, "Yes, but I wanted him off the bottle completely MONTHS ago!"
I'm glad he's made the transition during the day and he only wants that last little nibble as a comfort before bed (he's been sleeping all night long since he was only a few months old), but geez!
Any suggestions without having to bring out "mean mommy"?

(Oh and I started my own blog. Check it out if you wanna.)

Christa @ Quintooples

Ha! He's your first! My philosophy is that the first child is your test subject!!!!

You are doing FINE! We started sippy cup practice with the triplets at 7 months old. By the time they were 10 months old they were already taking 2 of their "meals" from the sippy.

One thing I did since they started solid food was I gave them their last bottle *before* I gave them solid food. That way they did not fall asleep with the bottle. I will say that I had 2 easy easy easy babies. They fell asleep on their own. One I rocked to sleep, but even she is now going to bed on her own.

Ethan was our spoiled munchkin. He nursed for a long time, and was in bed with me for 11 months. It was hard to break him of nursing to sleep, but we did it. Eventually he just wanted rocked to sleep.

I recommend reading "No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers" Even if he sleeps well through the night it has tips on getting them to sleep. Just take your time. Sometimes when you do it cold turkey it backfires. (long Ethan cold turkey pacifier story!)

My NUMBER ONE ADVICE: Parent Without GUILT!!!!!!

You will do fine. I know MANY kids that kept bottles until they were 2 and they are fine. With triplets, I wanted DONE with bottles. ;)

Mrs. Hammer

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the encouraging words! Your children are beautiful.


Thanks for responding to my feeding/ schedule e-mail, and for directing me to this post. Very helpful!!! And you have to be sooo thrilled that you are no longer purchasing formula. I am really tired of spending $500.00 a month on the darn stuff!
Thanks Again! Jennifer

Christa @ Quintooples

Thanks for responding to my feeding/ schedule e-mail, and for directing me to this post. Very helpful!!! And you have to be sooo thrilled that you are no longer purchasing formula. I am really tired of spending $500.00 a month on the darn stuff!
Thanks Again! Jennifer

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~Christa @ Quintooples