Six Tips To Improve Your Mindset And Health In 2025
If ever there was a time to spend attention on your mindset and your
health, it’s right now. In 2025, we’re at a point in life where we have the
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
SGM Visits The Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity House
The first time I spoke to the gentleman from Alpha Sigma Phi, I wondered
how they would respond. I walked into the room filled with college boys,
Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is an injectable ester of Nandrolone- a potent, reasonably
mild anabolic steroid. It's especially noted for promoting massive gains in
The Tightwad Goes to an Amusement Park
The music has temporarily changed in honor of this post or shall I say
because of the stroller? When we were there we heard so many comments about
it, I s...
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Stubborn Luck
Over lunch today I had someone ask me how my recovery was going. People
have been commenting on the fact that I'm in heels, or that I look good
since the b...
Goodbye mohawk!
Jace loves to have mohawks during the summer! One thing that we struggle
with is getting him to cut his hair. There's only one person who can cut it
like h...
Colorado Renaissance Festival 2018
My family is big on tradition, and there is one that won't be dying off
anytime soon. My birthday weekend at the Colorado Renaissance Festival.
Good King H...
Snow days in Texas
Again I am trying to play catch up. I really do want to keep up with this
blog but it seems that I am busier than usual and have so much on my
plate. I w...
EVERY Child Deserves a Mother
On the cusp of our pending adoption of our newest blessing, I've found
myself reflecting on motherhood. Mother's Day is tomorrow and it is always
a bitter...
Save pdf smaller size mac online
High image quality, bring your ideas to life save pdf smaller size mac
online beautiful presentations. and instantly got the shrunken file!
Although the de...
9 Months of Hudson Bradley
We’re 9 months in love with Hudson Bradley. How in the world are we a few
months away from a whole year with this chuck o’love? Watch out, World!
This b...
Training moves to the trail.
Well I blinked and the first two weeks of January were gone. Chris and I
had a conversation this week about when might be a good week to take a shot
at t...
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Triplets' 8th Birthday Surprise!
Chris and I have been keeping a secret since April. We have been planning
a huge Disney World trip for our family. The kids have never even been on a
Summer 2016
Here's a brief recap of our summer. I was in school and on call all
summer so there were no fun vacations or trips but we have still had fun
hanging arou...
ItWorks 💚
Please checkout my website and let me know if their is anyway I can help
you sign up as a distributor or as a loyal customer.
I look forward to talking to ...
A rare blogger sighting!
I'm still here! ;) I guess it's good that I haven't needed to blog much
lately. It was so amazing to have this blog when I was going through the
hells o...
Dear Men. Im sorry. I still like you.
I had the flu during Easter. Not just any flu. The near death, shoot me
now to put me out of my misery kind of flu.
I didn't know if I was goin...
Still out there?
I guess this is just kind of a test post. I will be posting again soon,
and wanted to see if anyone is still following. It's been a long time
since my la...
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
I have re-written this post countless times in hopes that these words would
find just the right balance of truth, grace, and hope. Because the thing
is? Th...
Our Summer Hiccup
I have been dragging my feet about writing this post. The reason being that
I sometimes just don't want to be bothered with this cancer issue anymore.
Kellogg's Cereal in a Cup- a Busy Mom's Dream!
As a working Mom with 7-year-old quadruplets, I am constantly looking for
ways to make life easier! (As you can imagine!)
Most mornings, the Stee...
Homemade Greek Yogurt
I decided to reduce our use of plastics and save some money. Something we
eat a ton of is yogurt, my kids love the stuff. And I try to buy the
organic when...
Children: On death and dying
So, hi everyone. Long time, no talk. Yes, it's been nearly 2 years since
I've added anything to this blog.
Life has been mostly good. And occasionally terr...
Ivy Reine, our sixth babe!
She's here. Our Ivy Reine. And traces of glory still cling to her, our
surprise gift from God. I can almost smell heaven when I hold her close,
can a...
Day 7 - 31 Days to a REAL FOOD kitchen makeover
What do we do for sugar?
My children's diets are sugar free. (except if we are celebrating a
birthday or other occasion) My husban...
I Heard an Old, Old Story
I feel like telling a story. I would make one up, but there’s this old one
that’s my very favorite. Every time I hear it, each time I tell it, I’m
struck b...
Younique’s 3D Fiber Lash Mascara
I have always been a fan of makeup. I’ve been seeing all these posts about
Younique’s 3D mascara and have been ignoring it forever. I finally decided
to ...
In 20 minutes we will begin the first step of our long journey home. We
are taking a high speed train to Hong Kong. Tomorrow morning at 10:30 am
China ti...
(Best) Face Forward
We said goodbye to Everett's unwanted little friend (the granuloma on his
right cheek) this morning very (way too) early.
The pic above was from a month a...
My Blog Has Moved!
Hi Friends!
My blog has MOVED over to ! If you haven't
already, I'd love for you to come join me there & subscribe to get update...
I can't help but in-vision those other hello's as echos through an empty
forest, since it's been so long since I have done anything with this blog.
But a ...
Six Years
I'm reminded of it every day, knowing how radically different the past six
years could have been without the gift of Tricia's first donor. Should
your fam...
A Frozen Birthday....
Hi. I'm the girl this blog this belongs to. Remember me? Well you throw
a 4th baby and moving into the mix of life and a blog definitely gets
Booster boys
In late fall Jackson and Peyton made the switch to booster seats in the
car. They were most excited that there were hideaway cup holders built into
the sea...
Dwayne Wade, PLEASE GTFOH!
*Man*, where do I even begin? I had to come out of hiding for this. I'd
said a few weeks back, when I was talking to Don, that I was gonna "reboot"
my bl...
Cool Christmas Gift...
I don't put a lot of product suggestions on our blog but I thought with
Christmas coming, I would tell you about this cool techie gadget I use.
I've never ...
I'm back...well, sort of!
I know, I know. It's been ages since I've published anything here on my
But I stopped by real quick to let you know I'm back...sort of.
I was hono...
New house, new beginnings
Since my last post (in April!!), Nolan & Luke have turned 4. We sold our
house in Philly (in 3 days) and bought a new house.
Justin & I bought our home in...
D Is For Ditch Day
The kids started school on Monday, August 26th, and Greg walked in the door
at 2pm on Thursday, August 29th, and said, "Norm is giving us the condo.
How to Handle Homework?
I think this is what I was most worried about with the kids going to school
Yes, homework.
No, not the amount, just how to handle it...ya know, the logistics...
Changing over to private
Did you notice my posting stopped? Of course you did...and as always...I
have good reason.
We are officially matched with a beautiful birth mom and are ex...
Happy 5th Birthday Kayleigh
Happy Birthday Sweet Kayleigh :)
"Can you believe it's been five years? I remember the day you were born
more than any other day in my entire life. Th...
Procrastination Addict
Yep. That's me. The procrastination addict. We're going away for
the Memorial Day weekend, leaving tomorrow and coming back Tuesday. There
are thunders...
I can't seem to fix the problems with the blog. So I guess I will start a
new blog. I hope to get this fixed some times. But the new blog will be
My 3 M...
Spring means a fresh start for everyone, including your pizza! Get your
pizza fix right in your own kitchen. With Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust
with Whol...
Check out what's happening on the farm
I am working on the new blog and have even begun posting, check out our
latest adventures here. Don't forget to update the web address in your
favorites :...
The Magic in Your Hands
There is so much magic in your hands.
It just depends on if you are going to use it or not.
I did.
I still do.
It has made the biggest difference in my ...
Paying It Forward Through Random Acts of Kindness
I know it has been forever. A lot has changed, a lot has happened and life
went on.
I'm not here today to talk about autism or what my family is up to. I'...
Latest Stats of the Trio!
Since it is Jan of a new year, I thought I would post the kids latest stats
- they are growing like crazy! I can't believe that they started out as
tiny 3...
Pounding The Pavement
Slanging my résumé has been my life for the past week. Last Friday I took
my résumé, along with a bottle of Moët (because you know how I do) to my
old fert...
Wonder Days
Hello out there! I was reminded today by a friend of our long infertility
journey, rocky and anxiety-producing pregnancy and subsequent impossibly
Our Sweet Quads are 4!
What an amazing year it has been with our sweet Quaddies! December 30th
they turned 4! It was a day of remembering all that my sweet babies had
been thro...
Day 2
Day 2 of Thanksgiving blogging. Let's see. Three tests today in school.
One on a 90 degree cut that we started yesterday, one on air forming the
cut (th...
31 Days of Letting Go - Fast Forward to Day 12
Note to self - next time you commit to a 31 day writing challenge try not
to do so in the middle of a move to your new house.
We've been moving this week ,...
Marathon & Moving Forward
Thank you all so much for the support in my last post. Much to my surprise,
I ended up getting my period on Saturday. It is the first since Memorial
Day. I...
Can You Say Cheeeeese?
The blog design is the way it is because I am tired of fighting with it. I
thought to change it again for winter but it may just have to be Autumn for
Time Has Come!
Well, the day has come. This blog has come to the end. A new journey. A
new chapter has begun. I hope that you will come on over and see me. Don't
miss ou...
Mr. C followed me around. All. Day. Long. And I don't think he ever
stopped talking. To the point that it was exasperating.
*Me:* You're just fu...
Our First Cruise!!
With much trepidation, we finally went on our first cruise and it was a
huge success! Celebrating our 5th Anniversary triplets in tow - this
photo... says...
Endo, adeno and I
Amid moving, taking care of the trio, unpacking, and now a kitchen
renovation (yay, but holy crap that's stress*&^#!!), I have been dealing
with immense pa...
Six Word Saturday…
Click the button below to head over to Cate’s blog and see what others have
to say on 6WS!
[image: 6wsButton]
*“ Love: ‘til death do us part…”*
Dancing Queens.....or....Princesses
I know I've been MIA at least since December. But I know of at least two
people who will really appreciate these pics of the girls. Ali and Kate
have be...
A Single Act That Changes Everything
“Remember when we said that grief was the strongest thing a person could
feel? Well, it isn’t. It’s forgiveness, because a single act of forgiveness
can ch...
Rudolph the Semi-Decapitated Reindeer
Yesterday, my husband suggested that instead of driving to the nearest
Redbox to return a movie that we had watched on New Year’s Eve (we are
super big par...
November 1, 2011
Day 1 of November Thankfulness,
I am thankful for a safe family! We had a small fire/electrical fire scare
last night & shew, no matter how small things tu...
New benefits of online filesharing
Inspired by an article, which totally changed my point of view on Internet
business and filesharing I decided to try some file hosting services and
see whe...
Someone's Daddy
Someones daddy may have expected a Mark David, but came through with flying
colors when Pamela Cathleen showed up.
7/7/1968, my first birthday party Someon...
Recently I completed a few new pages to take to Dragon con and have a few
actors sign. I need to photograph them and get them uploaded. It has been
ages s...
Miss Me?
I'm still around! I've been busy working on my new Frugal/Deal-Seeking/Coupon
blog! Yes... I've jumped on to the Extreme Couponing train. Actually I've
Google Reader Hog
No, google isn't spazing out, posting old posts. I'm re-posing them, as I
had shut down my blog quite a while ago. Bare with me, as I post about
150 more...
My flower girl princess
A co-worker of mine got married last week and Miss L was her flower girl.
SHe decided to give herself a bob, the day before. Luckily, she pulled it
off we...
You bitter triplet moms her pregnancy IS about me.
I mean I am the Grandma damn it! I made him so she wouldn't even be
pregnant if it wasn't for ME!!! Why aren't you guys gushing over me???
Subject: "I am...
We've Moved!
Pack your bags, we're moving! That's right, we are officially a .com! You
can now find us at so update your bookmarks and
come joi...
Another quick update...
Hey everyone, quick update: won two BIG cases in the last month with! I'm so excited for these families. Can't go into too
much detai...
She’s Good Lookin’!
Yes, “she” is… the one hundred-year-old farmhouse we’ve called home for the
past year. This home belongs to our dear friends. They are missionaries
in ...
*So my goal for 2011 is to at least update this bog once a month.*
*So here goes....*
*First off, I'm home and healthy and glad everything is over with. ...
Happy Half Birthday, Collin!
HELLO BLOG READERS! I'm sorry that I have been on a blogging hiatus pretty
much since our baby, Collin, was born back in July. It has been hard to
find the...
Who doesn't love Shutterfly
Christmas is will be here before we know it and do you have your christmas
card done? If you answer no to this question then you must stop over to
Praying For My Children
WOW! It has been a long time since I have posted! We're just really busy, I
guess. A little update on Rachel: she gets her casts off this Thursday! She
is ...
Mommy and Daddy got a vacation!!
View all
Get your own
After much anxiety over leaving all of the kids, I gave in to my HUGE urge
for a break and agreed with Ben that it was time for u...
New Blog!
I guess I should post here that I started a new blog recently! Come and
visit me over there and follow me on that blog, if you'd like. I plan on
keeping ...
The One Who Gave Me the Job
I always tell Reid that he is very important because he was the first one
to make me a mother...something no one will ever be able to do. I love
seeing th...
south beach diet and cupcakes
The South Beach Diet is going OK.
I miss carbs.
We wrap up Phase One tomorrow. So I will begin to re-introduce healthy
carbs then. One carb a day,...
It's Been a Long Time
Dear Friends,
I know it's been months since my last post...and that I promised an update
would be forthcoming soon. Honestly, I don't have any good reasons...
Fair Share
This afternoon after Von went to milk cows, I settled the kids down with a
new movie. I'm trying really hard to get them away from cartoons and more
into m...
Rediscovering Forgotten Memories
While working on a project I came upon a few pictures that I forgot I had
taken. I don't know how that's even possible since I take thousands (yes, I
know ...
We have moved
If you have found your way here, we welcome you to
At The Well... In Pursuit of Titus 2.
Please note, that we have moved to a new home. Please come visit us...
New Blog
I have started a new blog for my son James. I am thinking about deleting
this blog because I just cant seem to keep up with it and 2 others. SO if
you woul...
The New Site is Up and Running!!
As of last night, is up and running under the new format. If
you frequently visit the site and you do not see a drastic change when you
go t...
The Pursuit of Beauty
"Outward beauty is the most important thing to women." - Chris Rock
I watched an interview on TV recently featuring Chris Rock who has made a
new docu...
Finally Home
*I'm not updating this as often as i thought i would. Alabama is now our
official home! We found a house in a small town not far from the gates of
Ft Rucke...
Lake Whitney State Park
During our vacation we spent a wonderful day at Lake Whitney State Park.
They have a nice sandy beach (for a lake beach) and you have to walk a long
way in...
Going into hiding
This afternoon, I will be making this a private blog. I've complied a list
of all of the people who have requested access to this blog once it's
private. I...
Shake your groove thang!
The kids and I are always being silly and laughing throughout a typical
day. We love to dance and sing and just goof off. This particular day was
Today Chris left for Texas. His flight left from Pittsburgh at 7:30 am so
we decided to get up in the middle of the night (3:00) to drive rather than
Fail, and fail again
Why does food have such a hold on me? Why do I continue to do something
that depresses me so much. Why do I cave in to something that makes me
Time For You
I believe that a large percentage of Moms (myself included) have lost
themselves in all of the hustle and bustle of parenthood and life in
general. We gi...
eebee's adventures DVD Review
Can you spend quality time with baby while watching television? Until
recently I probably wouldn't have answered yes to this question. Then I met
that colo...
hope in the cross
My dear cousin gave me this quote yesterday, I hope it is an encouragement
to you as it is to me:
"Jesus' death reveals to us that we do not have to live p...
Create Thumbnail Albums in Blogger with WLW.
To create thumbnail albums in Blogger posts we create tables and insert
images in each table cell. The process of coding a table in HTML is
cumbersome and...
Reagan is in 1st grade, she loves school and has never had trouble making friends. She's the most smiley and friendly child I have ever met. Reagan loves cats, horses, and most every furry animal in the world. She loves music and is taking piano lessons. Reagan was diagnosed with Epilepsy in July (2010), and is on a regiment of medication to help lessen the amount of seizures that she has. Reagan is a great kid, and we are so proud of her!
My Jedi knight....Ethan is very sensitive. Out of all the kids, Ethan's personality most matches my own. He is very sweet, and shy...but he opens up and is the class clown once he's comfortable with his surroundings. Ethan is very smart, and he loves to play with his Star Wars toys. He's our only true "blondie", and during the summer his hair is almost white. Ethan is extremely loyal, and is a very very good brother...very protective. ;)
Triplet "A", leader of the pack. Laney sees the world in black and's either right or wrong, yes or no...and she has no trouble proclaiming to the world what she thinks is "right". She's the most like daddy in personality. Bossy, (in a good way!). Sweet, Sassy, and LOUD. Laney loves dresses, church, Reagan, red meat, and going to the zoo. She hates green vegetables, and is a big wimp! :)
Addie is our girly girl. She is our only curly headed child, and wasTriplet "B"...pickle in the middle. She's very sassy. She has "Addie-tude". Addie is vertically challenged, even compared to our small kids. She's double jointed, and we plan on starting gymnastics soon. Addie is the most verbal of any of our kids. She LOVES vegetables, and hates meat of any kind. She's afraid of most animals, and has a hoarding issue (she loves collecting things...and keeping them!) She's very smart, very sensitive, and a big mama's girl!
Joel is my strong and silent type. He's the biggest child I've had, length and weight. Joel is non-verbal, and we are waiting an official diagnoses, which will come sometime after he turns 3. Joel is sweet, so so so sweet. He melts my heart every day. He love trains, cars, and really anything with wheels. He likes riding his scooter, and his big wheels trike. He loves to swim, and is a huge fan of ANY food. He will eat more than a grown man. It's amazing.
Josh and I were married in May of 2002, but we started dating in 1996. He is an insurance salesman, and is the best daddy! He loves to play with the kids outside, and has no problem pitching in with the housework. He's manly enough to admit that he likes watching Glee with me. He volunteers at church with the elementary after school program.
Then there was me... I enjoy being a mom, being a part of our MOPS steering team, photography (I make no claims at being GOOD at it!), writing, and organizing. I love being a housewife, and I am contemplating what will happen when my last child(ren) goes to school. I want to be the "room mom" and do all the mom stuff, but a seperate part of me really misses work. I am a cloth diapering, and breastfeeding advocate. I am a child of God. My favorite book of the Bible is 1Peter. I love cats and horses. I love to read, and I am in love with "The Hunger Games" right now. That's about it. :)