It's a perk of having girls.
The hair, the dresses, all the cuteness.
I am not really known as being a girly girl, but I can't help it....
I love bows.
Particularly I love Five Blessed Bows!
I am giving away a $20 gift certificate to Five Blessed Bows!!! They have Korkers, Headbands, Streamers, Novelty bows, Satin bows, BIG bows, small bows, Clippies, Bows shaped like bugs, Classic bows, and Loopy bows!
They are all beautiful. I have always had fast shipping, and great customer service. to enter???? You get an entry for each of the following:
*Leave a comment!
*Become a follower (upper right corner)
*Become a fan of Quintooples on Facebook
*Follow me on Twitter
*Blog about this contest on your blog!
*Become a fan of Five Blessed Bows on Facebook.
When you leave your comment PLEASE include each of the things that you did/or already have done. I will make sure that you get your extra entries! Today is the 17th, and I will leave this contest open for one week! I will choose a winner on Friday, July 24th. Good LUCK!!!
Top Tips for Maintaining Your Family’s Dental Health
Good oral hygiene is essential for not just a glowing smile but also for
your overall health. Dental problems can lead to more severe conditions
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3 days ago