The New Year=The Ultimate Do-Over. Yeah. That's fine for the first day, week, month.....but after that??? Not so much.
That's why I don't make resolutions. Not anymore. New Year's is too much like night time. ANYTHING is possible at night. Tomorrow I will eat right! Tomorrow I will start transferring money into the savings account, and I will freeze my spending!!!, Tomorrow, I won't eat at ALL!!! Tomorrow I will be the perfect (insert a word like: mom, wife, housewife, etc...), Tomorrow I will wake up and exercise for an hour before the kids wake up. TOMORROW....
I am excited about the New Year, but I am not resolving to do anything. My OFFICIAL New Year's resolution is to live in the present. Not worrying about the future, and not stuck in the past. I resolve to live. I want to live for the life that God created me to have. I will dwell on what HE wants me to do NOW.....not tomorrow.
It is His will that I should cast
My care on Him each day;
He also bids me not to cast
My confidence away.
But oh! how foolishly I act
When taken unaware,
I cast away my confidence
And carry all my care! -James Seward
Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Happy 2009!

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~Christa @ Quintooples