We really had a wonderful Christmas. The kids got SO many presents. I had no idea how overboard I went until they were all under the tree. We had our annual Christmas Eve party that ended up lasting until 2:30 am. Then we had to clean up, put presents under the tree, put a small present under the kids tree in their room, and hit the hay. The big kids woke up at 7, so not much sleep. Reagan's favorite gifts this year were her Ponyville toys (no shock there!), and her Rose Petal Cottage. Ethan's favorite gifts were weird. He liked his Leap Frog Magnet toy, and the Thomas "Laptop computer" that my dad gave him. I say weird, because if you know Ethan these are not the typical favorite toys. We thought for sure that his Thomas at Tidmouth Sheds, and his remote control Dinosaur would be the favorites!
When the big kids were done we woke up the babies. They were changed and fed, and then we gave them their gifts. They only got a few things, as they are oblivious to it being Christmas....but they had a blast with their new toys.
Family came over with gifts, and we all had a wonderful time eating dinner and playing our Dirty Santa game. The kids opened more gifts. They went to bed, and we played cards. It was a very nice evening.
When Ethan woke up the next morning he said, "I had a super duper Christmas with Jesus this year." Ha. That's a preschool song. :) He's so cute.
Just a question....any fellow non-Santa people out there??!?!? We don't do Santa (no lectures on how we are destroying their imaginations please! Josh and I were non-Santa kids, Josh on purpose, and me because I am too logical and figured it out when I was very very small. We had (have) wonderful imaginations!!!), and while I know we are in the minority...I was curious if there are any other weirdo's out there! :)

We're non-santas. The grandparents didn't agree, of course, but the girls as teenagers really trust what I tell them, and take my advice, and I think that it is in large part due to the fact that we have not tried to trick or snow them. I can't say that I have ever noticed a "lack of magic" at Christmas time. Kids love their family traditions, whatever they are. We have always celebrated advent, and give them a present every Sunday when we light the candles and do devotions. The nice thing is that there was no let down or change in our tradition as they got older and more aware. Now, they lead the devotions, activities, and candles.
You know that we're with ya on that one Christa and you can tell Josh that Levi had a very FUN Christmas even though Santa wasn't part of it! :) LOL!
Sounds like the kids had a great Christmas!
We aren't complete non-Santa's here. With the big kids, everything was from Santa. So we didn't get Thank You's for their gifts. Even grandparents gives were assumed to be from Santa. With the 3 little ones we decided that wasn't going to happen. They got one small gift each from Santa. The rest from Mom, Dad and grandparents. They were appreciative, gave thanks for their gifts and still had a small toy from Santa. I like it much better this way. But I do feel weird lying to them about Santa. I try not to talk about it, unless they start the conversation. But I do believe in the magic of the holiday.
Oh bless your family. They are ALL so sweet.
Oh bless your family. They are ALL so sweet.
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~Christa @ Quintooples