I love the scent of Midnight Pomegranate from Bath and Body Works. I don't have much stuff that's my own. I still wear some of my maternity shirts because my wardrobe is so small that I don't have much choice sometimes. Plus, they ARE comfortable, and my body will never know what normal is ever again....even IF I lose the huge amount of weight that I need to lose. I digress. This is NOT about my clothes. My clothes are terrible, but I accept that. We spend our money on our babies, preschool, shoes, Christmas Presents for other people...anyone but me. Josh gets new stuff occasionally because his appearance is important for work. He needs ties, and newer looking pants. I just sit home all day, and have no one to impress.
This is about my last bottle of Midnight Pomegranate lotion. This is about 2 kids who snuck out of their room during nap time, sat in the bath tub....FULLY clothed, and dumped lotion all over themselves. MY LOTION. Mine. IT'S MINE!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!!
I have to say that the images I have burned in my mind of Ethan's wiggling bottom lip, as he realized he was in trouble, are very cute. Reagan had lotion in her eye, and I had to rinse it out....in the midst of tears and apologies ("I will never do dis again mommy! Please don't make me sit in my room!) I had to giggle to myself. My emotions were telling me that "It's not fair, I have NOTHING of my own!", but even in this moment we were making memories that will last for a lifetime. Good memories. In 30 years, I will remember the comedy of the moment....not how I lost my beloved lotion.
Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. (Psalm 34:10b)I will be fine without my lotion. :)
Little stinkers.

UhOh!!! So sorry about your lotion! It is kinda funny though. At least they sat in the bathtub so you didn't have to clean it off of the floors or the walls. LOL!I'm sure you'll laugh about it soon enough. I hope you got pictures!
BTW: I know what you mean about nothing ever being truly YOURS. I feel the same way sometimes.
Aww, great control, momma. It's hard to remember that "stuff" doesn't matter when you're in the thick of it. So, kudos to you!
:( SO sorry about that! I know what it's like to have kids get into "your" stuff!! At least they were appreciating it too?? Now whenever you smell it, you'll think of your kids! (I always opened a new scent to mark big occassions, wedding, birth...so any time I smelled that particular scent, I was reminded of that event.)
Hey, I think that it's almost time for B and B to have their big sale...
:( SO sorry about that! I know what it's like to have kids get into "your" stuff!! At least they were appreciating it too?? Now whenever you smell it, you'll think of your kids! (I always opened a new scent to mark big occassions, wedding, birth...so any time I smelled that particular scent, I was reminded of that event.)
Hey, I think that it's almost time for B and B to have their big sale...
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