MckMama's post last week started me thinking about a marriage post of my own.
Marriages don't like stress. Our little triplet, quad, and quint community can attest to the extremely high rate of divorce among the world of multiples. If you thought 50% was high, it's *much* higher after you bring multiples into the world. Some stats point to as high as 80%. It's staggering.
Why? The entire first year, especially if you do it alone, is literally nothing more than diaper changes, bottles, eating, sleeping, and making sure the older kids are properly cared for. We had no time for each other. There were not enough hours in the day to get done the bare minimums let alone anything else.
Now that I look back, I am sure there are things we could have done in different ways....but we made it. Once the bottles stop, and they are sleeping through the night things lighten up a LOT. We don't change 45 diapers a day anymore, it's more like 24. We have other challenges, like Joel's tantrums, keeping Addison from leaping off the couch, and making sure Delaney does not melt us with her powers of sweetness.... I digress.
I want to talk about what I, as a woman, can do to make my husband feel love. I grew up in a home where it was all about my mom. If she was not happy NO ONE WAS HAPPY (within a 100 mile radius). I don't want Josh to be afraid of my feelings, I don't want him to feel that he has to make me happy....or else. I would hope the sentiment goes both ways.
These are my personal rules of marriage, which I break on a consistant basis. I get better every day....so that's what matters.
1. Josh has the final word on household decisions. He is the head. Weather he listens or not, I always state my opinion on a subject....then I leave it up to Josh. This may seem stifling to some women, but it's actually very freeing.
This has been a hard thing for me to conquer, growing up feminist (not knowing I was a feminist)....
2. Even though I run the finances, we mutually decided to get each others approval for any purchase over $50.00.
3. Even when Josh resists or feels guilty, I MAKE him take time away from the house and the family. He needs to spend time with other men, and it makes him a better husband and father....even if I really would rather have him to myself (selfishly).
4. I tell him that I love him. I tell him he's a good father. I tell him he's a good provider. Positive reinforcement means a lot to everyone, even your husband. ::wink:: I also have the kids tell daddy that they are happy to see him, and "Thank you" for working so hard today.
5. Josh is quirky, and he likes things that most men don't care about....so every day when he comes home I make sure that I have a nice scented candle burning, the bed made, and all of the sinks cleaned. It makes him feel much less stress. Is there something that makes your husband feel less stress when he walks in the door???
6. Some people like to leave work at the office, but that's not Josh's style. I am his BFF, and he NEEDS to talk about it with me. I make sure that I give him the time every day so that he can talk about all of the office going's on.
7. When I go to the grocery store I try to get him snacks that I think he would like. Josh loves food. He knows I was thinking of him when I bring home a giant jar of pickles, or a bag of sourdough pretzels.
8. We spend time reading and praying together, the most important rule of all.
What rules of marriage do you apply? What works for you?

Great marriage post! I also try to make my husband feel loved and appreciated every day (I did say "try" right?) He takes our oldest to school in the mornings then comes home to get his stuff together before he leaves for work. To show him how much I appreciate this (me not having to get the girls up and dressed to take Max to school is awesome, I will make him a "breakfast to go". I have just about mastered the "omelet sandwich" which is much easier for him to eat in the car on the way to work. I can make him a quick sausage, red and green pepper, onion, and cheese omelet with two eggs then fold it up in the pan and put on 2 pieces of toasted bread/bagel/english muffin with a little veggie cream cheese on it. It's ready by the time he gets back and it puts him in a good mood :) I also try to pack his lunch for him if he hasn't had time.
#5 isn't TOO quirky, lol (unless we both have quirky husbands!)
Mike is really weird about the house not being clean. Usually the only time he "snaps" is when there's a huge mess in the house. I don't necessarily think it's right, but it's made MY life easier to just keep it clean so he doesn't break down, KWIM?
#5 isn't TOO quirky, lol (unless we both have quirky husbands!)
Mike is really weird about the house not being clean. Usually the only time he "snaps" is when there's a huge mess in the house. I don't necessarily think it's right, but it's made MY life easier to just keep it clean so he doesn't break down, KWIM?
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