I get this question a lot, and a few people emailed me this question yesterday....so here it is.
Scheduling. Lots of scheduling. Having 5 under 5 requires a lot of organization. This is something I am not good at. With the help of "Managers of Their Homes" by Steven and Teri Maxwell, I have come up with a system that works for all of us. It keeps us all on the same page, and it keeps my day progressing as it should.
P.S. Big changes are coming to the blog! After the holiday season I will be re-doing the blog layout, and the URL will change. You will still be able to access it through www.triplification.blogspot.com, but you can now also access it through www.quintooples.com, which will be the new name of the blog. There is a really cute story behind the name, and when the new layout happens I will let you all know the story (some of you may know it already!).

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~Christa @ Quintooples