Delaney is 18 pounds (8
th percentile height and weight), Addie is 19 pounds ( 12
th percentile height and weight), Joel is 23 pounds (65
th percentile height and weight). They all have
eczema, Joel and Laney have reflux that is still being treated, and Addie is still being treated for allergies. We are still keeping an eye on Joel in terms of delay, and
seizures...but it looks like he's going to be OK. It looks like he may be allergic to milk. They are all doing wonderfully for being triplets and preemies.
Most of you know that we use
cloth diapers. I used them full time on Reagan and Ethan, and we use them during the day on the triplets. We were using them part time, but have moved to full time during the day (only when we are at home) because Joel has a reaction to 'sposies. I made the move to
prefolds and
covers, because my favorite
pocket diapers were too expensive for all three babies. was the first time I have ever pinned a diaper onto a baby.
LOL. You can see from the picture of Laney, that I need some practice!!! I am going to buy
snappi's and
covers soon....but seeing as how we are overdrawn and waiting for a paycheck (in 5 days!
ack! ) I will have to wait. I can't say I am thrilled with
prefolds, as I have been spoiled with
Fuzzi Bunz for so so so long....but I will get used to it! I love cloth, and I really believe in the
money savings, and the ecology aspect of it as well.
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~Christa @ Quintooples